Category: Opinion

Witness to Terror!

How should the community respond when public officials are threatened? What is the correct response when you witness someone being terrorized by violent hate speech?  What is the role of a bystander when someone...

Injustice in Black & White

By the New RoAR News Editorial Board On Friday, December 13, 2024 the Westchester County District Attorney’s office announced that a Grand Jury had declined to indict New Rochelle Police Lt. Sean Kane, whose...

How to Cook a Democratic Primary

An Easy to Follow Recipe  Ingredients *Secret sauce is how much may have to go directly to the challenger. Optional  Preparation Pair this meal with a robust  “Know Your Place”  wine from the Jim...

Who Are These Parks Made For?

In her novel, “Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood,” Fatema Marnissi writes, “Nature is a woman’s best friend.” There has never been a time in my life where this statement has resonated with me more than it does now.